Many businesses require external operations, which may require different utility vehicles. Do you have a lot of land to cover or often need to ferry multiple people from place to place? Everything from the weight of your cargo to the layout of your grounds is an important factor to consider when choosing a utility vehicle based on your business. Here are a few of the more common options available on the market and some of their strengths.

Golf Carts

Golf carts are some of the most common and trustworthy business-grade utility vehicles. These carts are typically low-speed and work best on gentler slopes and inclines. Golf carts are a good option if you have a wide area of land and need to transport passengers or cargo safely. As their name suggests, golf carts are quality choices for golf courses, locations with vast parking lots, and other similar areas.

Low-Speed Vehicles

When choosing a utility vehicle based on your business, you may want to consider a low-speed vehicle. At first glance, these carts may seem like golf carts, but they typically go significantly faster and can handle slightly rougher terrain. Security guards commonly use low-speed vehicles thanks to their increased speed and additional safety features that you normally won't find on a golf cart.


Side-by-sides are a type of utility terrain vehicle (UTV) that may be best if you run a business emphasizing nature and the wilderness. These carts typically move much faster than the other two vehicles on our list and have an all-terrain focus allowing them to drive over steep hills, through mud, and in shallow water. Park managers, campsite groundskeepers, and wilderness retreat employees may benefit from having access to a side-by-side.

Ben Nelson Golf & Utility Vehicles is a certified Cushman dealer with the information you need about various high-quality utility vehicles. Feel free to browse our online catalog to see which vehicles are ideal for your business. If you have any questions, stop by one of our dealerships or contact one of our team members. We are happy to address any questions you may have.