With the new year starting, you may still get some snow in your driveway or along your front sidewalk, and you're wondering if you can plow snow with an electric golf cart. Luckily for you, the answer is typically yes, but there are still a few things you’ll need and want to consider before you get to work.

Necessary Equipment

If you want to plow snow with your electric golf cart, the first thing you need is the golf cart. After that, the main things you need are a winch and a golf cart plow kit. Plow kits are easy to install and remove from your cart, but they can be costly. While not always necessary, putting snow tires on your golf cart may be a good idea when you plan to use it as a snowplow.

Advantages of Plowing With a Golf Cart

We know you can plow snow with an electric golf cart, but you may wonder if you should. A golf cart may have less power than a proper plow, so what makes it a good idea? One of the most significant benefits of plowing with your golf cart is that they’re easy to maneuver in smaller spaces, making them great for plowing sidewalks or driveways.

Other Things To Consider

Before you decide to turn your golf cart into a snowplow, you may want to consider a few things. Do you get enough snow where you live to warrant buying a plow kit? When plowing, it’s a good idea to plow the snow when it’s still lighter and more powdery. Trying to plow rougher, hardened snow may put too much of a strain on your golf cart.

If you want an option that handles tougher snow and is compatible with nearly any plow kit, you want an EZGO electric golf cart. To learn more about these carts and other utility vehicles, Ben Nelson is here to help. Feel free to stop by one of our dealerships or contact us anytime for more details.