Golf carts have evolved a lot in the last few decades, and they’re no longer just for getting from one hole to another on the fairway. Whatever you’re using it for, though, your vehicle needs the right wheels to keep you safe and going where you need to. We want to ensure you get the most from every ride, so we’ve put together a brief guide on buying the correct golf cart tires.

The Right Tread

The tread is one of the major differences between the various types of golf cart tires, so this is a good place to start. Most golf carts come with standard turf tires, which are the best tires for golf course usage. Unless your cart is only going to be used for golfing, you’ll want to consider getting new tires entirely. Below are the top three tread choices for golf carts.


As we said, turf tires are the standard. They have a shallow, soft tread that will be kind to lawns and can handle pavement well. However, the more time you spend on the street, the more you’ll want to consider radial tires, which include cord plies arranged at 90­-degree angles.


Golf carts are seeing more and more use off-roading and these rely on off-road tires. They have knobs on the tread that help grip dirt, mud, and other loose terrains. If your property is a bit rough, off-road tires might be the right way forward.


For those who want to do a bit of everything, all-terrain tires balance the smooth, shallow tread that’s kind to lawns without sacrificing too much grip. They’re great for the owner who wants to go off-roading and drive around the green.

Tire Maintenance

Once you figure out what kind of tires you need and get the right set, you’ll want to take special care to keep them in good condition. Keep a tire pressure gauge on hand to check the tire pressure regularly. Your owner’s manual will tell you the ideal psi, which you can then compare against your readings on the gauge.

You should also regularly check for uneven or excessive wear and tear. Excessive wear can mean the tires aren’t being used correctly, but uneven wear is much more dangerous and can mean an alignment issue.

If you need maintenance assistance or are looking to buy a new golf cart altogether, visit Ben Nelson Golf and Outdoor at one of our locations in Madison and Biloxi, MS, or Memphis, TN. We proudly serve all our customers in Hattiesburg, MS.